Tuesday, April 1, 2008


guess what happened today?!
it was totally unexpected and just kind of happened!

i'll give you a minute to guess.

go on, guess!

give up?
huh, do ya, do ya??
you've probably guessed it by now, right??
are you saying to your self,
mr. x is finally out??
well, i'd say you were right, but instead i'd
have to tell you: april's fools! haha. yeah...everything you just read did not happen.
actually today was very uneventful and i'm probably not even close to coming out any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr X
You definitely had me fooled there, I thought maybe you'd done it.
Ive posted randomly before and always check your blog. Im being very serious, but I did come out to all my family and friends the last week. It was incredibly hard to do, but the best thing to have done. It feels surreal now. Everyone reacted positively, which surprised me but Im stoked of course.
I wish you all the best. You never know just how well things may turn out. Take care, keep up the blogging.

Mr. X said...

congratulations! that's great.
you made it sound so easy!!
i've been thinking about you and wondering if you had ever come out since your last comment.
i'm glad you kept me posted on the result!
if you don't mind me asking, how did you bring it up when you were about to tell somebody? and who did you tell first?

Anonymous said...

Hey! I dont mean to make it sound easy, it was the hardest thing Ive done in my life and its left me incredibly emotionally drained (as well as happier now of course).
Id told two friends a year ago, and then I told another close friend recently before telling my family and the rest of my friends. I always just told people I had something I wanted to talk to them about which was hard for me to discuss, then I just said "Im gay". No big preamble or anything. Everyone then always asked how long have you known, are you sure, any partner, are you happy etc. Same every time, Im so sick of that conversation.
I was an emotional wreck telling my parents and was crying and shaking uncontrollably the whole time. They were so supportive, more concerned that I was unhappy than anything else.
I dont think there is any easy solution to coming out, its incredibly hard to open your mouth and say the words, but once you get going it gets easier. Im too drained to feel relieved now, but I already feel lighter and happier. I always worried coming out would be an experience that would flatten me, but its done nothing but empower me. I feel more comfortable in myself than I ever have.
Im going on a date this week, which is a total first for me. Its all happening very quickly, I dont know what to think.
I hope you're doing well Mr X. Take care.

Mr. X said...

good luck on your date! let me know how it goes! :)