Sunday, January 6, 2008

the closet

i was standing next to my mom as i was talking to her.
she was sitting down at her desk about to check her email on her laptop.
as the aol welcome page loaded, i ended my conversation and was looking at the aol "headlines."
she was reading them as they kept changing.
then i heard her say,
"are you afraid of the closet?"


i think i froze for a really long second!
only to be completely relieved when i heard,
"ways to organize it and keep things in their place."


of course, being the paranoid person that i am, i immediately thought it was going to be an article or something to do with
homosexuality and being in the "closet."
talk about potential akwardness!




Anonymous said...

Hey man, thanks for the comments on my blog - I really appreciate it. Your blog is great too, I just added it to my blog-roll.

Closeted said...

WOW, I would have crap in my pants if that happen to

K said...

I agree....that is a totaly "OMG I think I just stat myself" moment