Monday, December 10, 2007


i'm such a youtube fan. i'm always on youtube just watching random videos. i watch everything from music videos to funny commercials to cute animals doing funny things, lol.

well, anyway, i came across some coming out stories and found them to be inspirational.

it's weird how much i could relate to this one.
(except the drugs part. i don't do drugs.)


J.R. said...

AUGH! You beat me to it -- I've been meaning to post this clip on my blog for a long time but, procrastinator that I am, never got around to it. Heh.

I first say this video last year around Christmastime, and it really inspired me as well. It was right around the time I started reading all the other blogs and really, seriously started to consider that I needed to come out. And this kid -- who's kinda cute, heh -- really articulated a lot of the feelings I was having and had had, long before I could articulate them myself.

Anyway, Hey Mr. X! Thanks for the comment you left me the other day -- I actually found your blog before I got the comment, and had been meaning to comment but, procrastinator that I am... HAHA. I actually need to go back and catch up on all your posts, but I couldn't resist commenting on this noise right away. Later on, man.

Nothing Golden Stays

Mr. X said...


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